For over 20 years, Rich May, P.C. has actively represented telecommunications carriers and customers in regulatory proceedings and contract and business matters.
We have helped new carriers obtain certification in 48 states, as well as the full range of other activities involved with the launch of telecommunications businesses, including financings, interconnections, rights of way and facilities sharing issues. We have represented carriers in a range of inter-carrier disputes on rates, facilities and other issues, and related court proceedings in several states. The Telecommunications Practice Group, among other things, provides project development services, structures innovative joint venture arrangements (among and between both utility companies and new market entrants), and negotiates and drafts the full range of contracts involved with the establishing a telecommunications network (e.g. intercarrier contracts, right-of-way agreements, switch and facility space and financing contracts). Rich May has provided the regulatory and contractual efforts necessary to assist new service providers to make a successful entry into the evolving telecommunications markets on a national basis. Also, Rich May assists its clients in resolving disputes through negotiation, advocacy or litigation, as necessary.
- Negotiated and documented several innovative telecommunications facilities joint venture arrangements and financings therefor, including the first of its kind venture with an electric utility company which involves development of a $200,000,000, or more, telecommunications network.
- Represented numerous competitive local exchange carriers (“CLECs”) in the full range of transactions and state and FCC counsel needed to establish new facilities based networks, including collocation, switch and fiber acquisition and leasing, etc.
- Counseled clients on the business and regulatory issues associated with provision of VOIP services, including representation/negotiation with regulatory bodies.
- Represented start up CLEC in successful financings and ultimate sale for over $50,000,000.
- Represented clients in successfully obtaining necessary Certificates of Public Convenience for local and interexchange carrier status on a national basis.
- Represented CLECs in several, successful complaint proceedings against incumbent carriers and in rulemaking proceedings before numerous state utility commissions yielding very significant financial benefits to our clients.
- Represented CLECs in numerous regulatory proceedings through which CLECs obtained improved access, provisioning or pricing from ILECs.
- Assisted a provider of video dial tone service in avoiding burdensome state regulation through Federal Court proceedings.
- Provided comprehensive assistance to an internet service provider in developing its business, including handling an arbitration proceeding under the 1996 Telecommunications Act.
- Represented CLECs and end use customers in contract/commercial disputes with various carriers in successfully obtaining requested relief.
- Negotiated and documented numerous interconnection agreements, (resale and facilities based) with the regional bell operating company.
- Obtained regulatory approvals for location of competitive carrier’s fiber facilities in numerous municipalities, including Boston.
- Represented facilities based carriers and resellers in numerous regulatory proceedings throughout the Northeastern U.S. relating to the Telecommunications Act of 1996, including complaints regarding anticompetitive actions by incumbent local exchange companies.

James M. Behnke
Of Counsel

Erica P. Bigelow
Of Counsel

Eric J. Krathwohl
Shareholder; Energy, Renewables & Regulated Industries, Chair

Howard L. Levin
Of Counsel